Mrs. Aye Myint Than

Chief Supply Chain Officer

Mrs. Aye Myint Than, an accomplished Chief Supply Chain Officer with over 20 years of experience in the logistics and supply chain industry, primarily in FMCG. Her expertise in Supply Chain Management is unparalleled, and she has a proven track record of optimizing the responsiveness of supply on materials and services.

Mrs. Aye Myint Than’s philosophy is to provide, create, and celebrate happiness together, which is reflected in her collaborative and inclusive approach to managing employees. Her leadership style fosters good team spirit and encourages a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

She is an innovative problem-solver, always looking for new ways to improve processes and address supply chain challenges. Her innovative-driven approach has resulted in the development of new processes and technologies that have significantly impacted her organization’s efficiency and profitability.

Mrs. Aye Myint Than values mutual respect and honest relationships, and these values are reflected in her interactions with colleagues and partners. Her commitment to these values has resulted in successful partnerships and long-term business relationships.

In summary, Mrs. Aye Myint Than’s extensive experience in the logistics and supply chain industry, her collaborative and inclusive leadership style and her innovative-driven approach to problem-solving make her an exceptional Chief Supply Chain Officer.

Daw Thidar Aung

Head of IT/MIS Department

It has been 16 years that I joined GRGI since February 2005. When I first joined, as a Computer Programmer for Point of Sales System Implementation, MIS Department had not been established yet and therefore third-party IT team was hired to get IT support. We had to rely on  internet emails only back then. Eventually, MIS Department was founded in 2006 and I feel so accomplished every time I reminisce those days I was involved in the setup of the infrastructure of Head Office and then extended to branch offices and factory of GRGI, rolling out intranet settings to connect among the offices.

After having stabilized the infrastructures, under the guidance of Management Team, I started to develop user friendly ERP system application replacing manual operations with new technology for respective departments, followed by the development of DMS System for the joint business partners. I also took charge of the implementation of business intelligence to analyze and prepare Management Dashboard Report, so that we could track our business progress anytime, anywhere with the use of any device. During those times of manual operations, GRGI was trying to keep abreast with the modern technologies and striving for digital transformation encountering several challenges and difficulties. Firstly, the challenge of the change management: resistance of traditional mindsets to change into modern transformation of digital platforms.

And then, we face a lot of struggles when implementing systems/applications and digital platform with limited resources as Myanmar was one of the developing countries. Moreover, we had to customize the system implementation in compliance with the international best practices as well as the localization to harmonize the processes of our country and company. We managed to overcome setbacks, thanks to the guidance and support of our management team along with the cooperation of internal and external stakeholders even during the time of limited resources.

I always stay vigilant for the rapidly changing technology for GRGI and always think of the advanced ways and means as best as I can. Within allocated budget, resources, and timeline, my team and I have made commitments and get the job completed in timely and efficient manners. We have also built a good and long-term relationship with all colleagues, vendors, and business partners regardless of their positions and gender. And I am very proud to be one of the few female leaders in IT field of Myanmar. I, myself do believe and embrace the core values set by management team, as well. The reason why I have been with GRGI so long is that GRGI always tries to focus and stay alert on digital transformation and encourage to implement the updated digitization, with full of challenges leading to learning opportunities.

Digital transformation makes the business smoother than ever, and I have also witnessed it can enhance the self-development, so I have been working with GRGI for quite a long time. Finally, I do appreciate and feel grateful towards the management team for the opportunities provided for my continuous career development.