Yearly CSR Report 2023

Grand Royal Group International’s CSR Programs

Grand Royal Group International (GRGI) has always been maintaining a high level of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) which will contribute to sustainable development by delivering economic, social and environmental benefits to all stakeholders, staff, customers and most importantly the people of Myanmar in line with their motto “Being A Good Corporate Citizen”. Starting from 2023, in line with Thai Bev’s transformation 2.0 project, GRGI implemented CSR projects in the most needed areas where we have reciprocal benefits with the communities.

Create and Celebrate Happiness Together.

Our Vision

Create and celebrate happiness together through the innovative spirits in Myanmar, to drive sustainable growth for all the stakeholders.

“Life Skills for Youth Program in 2023”

Since January 2022, GRGI has offered a customized online course called the “Life Skills for Youth Program” to the children of GRGI employees in accordance with one of our core values, “Care for Stakeholders.” Initiated as an internal Corporate Social Responsibility endeavor for the preteens and teens of staff members, this program was later extended to encompass the children of distributors and suppliers in 2023. The program is intended to aid the future development of youth by utilizing methodologies, approaches, and materials that are not supported in the curriculum of typical Myanmar’s education system.

GRGI Internships & ThaiBev Internship Program for ASEAN Student 2023

GRGI always opens arms for the fresh graduates and students, especially from local, who are eager to gain knowledge about the real industry and choose their future career path while still in education. In addition to our own internships, GRGI accommodates the interns who sign up under the “ThaiBev Internship Program for ASEAN Student 2023” in pursuing a two- to three-months internship. In 2023, a total of 19 interns were hosted by GRGI respectively in the departments of Manufacturing, Marketing, Human Capital and Supply Chain.

Installation of One of the Largest Solar Photovoltaic Systems at Main Distillery in Hmawbi Township

With the purpose of reducing heavy reliance on the electricity from the utility grid and the electricity generated by the diesel engine generators, GRGI installed a 3-megawatt solar photovoltaic system at main distillery in Hmawbi township. The distillery is already being operated by the electricity generated from this solar PV since November 2023. This solar PV system has an annual average solar electricity generation capacity of 3,439.966 megawatts. As GRGI is a subsidiary of ThaiBev, this solar PV installation is also taking part in the implementation of ThaiBev’s ‘Net 0 Emission’ goal of mitigating net carbon dioxide emissions to zero by the year 2050. From this installation, GRGI will be able to reduce the carbon dioxide emission rate by an average of 1,500 tonnes per year.

Solar Energy Irrigation System for Local Farmers at San Hpe Model Village in Nyaunglebin Township, Bago Division

This initiative was implemented as a GRGI’s pilot CSR project under “UNLOCK’s Partnership for Goals” as part of ThaiBev’s Transformation 2.0 Project under “PASSION TO WIN 2025” goal. Despite San Hpe Model Village’s advantageous geographic location, the local farmers previously were unable to irrigate paddies every summer. The primary problem identified by GRGI was the farmers’ inability to pump water from the watergate to their fields due to the high cost of renting the equipment and the diesel oil required to operate the generator. Accessing and using the solar energy irrigation system was also challenging and costly for them. Therefore, GRGI voluntarily offered to supply our local farmers with a practical, efficient, and smart solar energy irrigation system, now enabling the farmers to cultivate twice a year.

Solar Energy Reverse Osmosis Water System & Treatment Plant at San Hpe Model Village in Nyaunglebin Township, Bago Division

As a sequential project following the ‘Solar Energy Irrigation System for Local Farmers’ pilot project, GRGI embarked on the installation of a ‘Solar Energy Reversed Osmosis (RO) Water System & Treatment Plant’ that can purify up to 3,000 liters daily at San Hpe Model Village in 2023. When the seasonal paddy cultivated by the solar energy irrigation system is on halt, there is a surplus of solar energy. The project was carried out by the purpose of continuously utilizing the surplus solar energy effectively without any wastage, as well as to significantly enhance the well-being of the village residents. This installation benefits San Hpe with an ample supply of clean drinking water for the entire village, with the surplus of 1,200 liters out of 3,000 liters being made available for resale to neighboring villages at a price lower than their current expenditure on drinking water. The revenue generated from the surplus clean drinking water sales will contribute to the general expenses of the village. GRGI is also committed to conducting the necessary annual maintenance and repairs regarding the plant.

Regular Maintenance Support for Donated Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Plants in (3) States/Regions

As stated in our motto, “Being a Good Corporate Citizen,” GRGI is constantly dedicated to advancing community development. In addition to bringing vast access to clean drinking water for the community, GRGI is also committed to following up with the maintenance once a year for the RO water treatment plants that GRGI donated in (3) states/regions. The photographs showcase the maintenance services arranged by GRGI at the Shwedagon Pagoda and in townships including Pantanaw, Maubin, and Oak Pho.

Influenza Vaccinations for Employees in 2023

Aligning with one of the core values, ‘Care for Stakeholders’, GRGI always takes an account of the physical well-being of all the employees. With that in mind, GRGI has been annually offering influenza vaccinations for the employees all over the country. In 2023, in cooperation with Dr. Vaccine Clinic, GRGI arranged a series of Influenza Vaccination, ‘Vaxigrip Tetra’ for over 2,000 employees from Head Office and other branches where GRGI’s businesses are being operated.

GRGI’s Charity Clinic at Leik Poke Village in Hmawbi Township

Since 2013, GRGI established a charity clinic in Leik Poke village, Hmawbi Township, where Grand Royal’s main distillery is located, by appointing a designated doctor and a nurse to assist. The clinic is open every Monday, Thursday, and Friday from 3 PM to 6 PM, and the patients who are the village residents of Leik Poke, Kwin Leik Poke, Lower Thel Kon, and Upper Thel Kon in Hmawbi Township are accessible to the clinic. GRGI is spontaneously replenishing the medications and essential equipment for the clinic twice a year.

Employee-Initiative Humanitarian Aids and Donations to the Cyclone Mocha-Hit Rakhine for Rehabilitations

When Rakhine State was hit hard by Cyclone Mocha back in May 2023, the employees of GRGI contributed funds and humanitarian aid for the cyclone victims. With the help of a local NGO, the supplies were successfully delivered to those who were in need.

Relief Support for Community and Employees Including Daily Wages, Flat Rate and Piece Rate Workers

Since 2021, GRGI has been providing annual relief support for our employees nationwide, including daily wages, promo girls/boys, piece rate workers, and the communities. Following the recent high inflation in several commodities, the increased cost of living has become unbearable for many. GRGI understands the difficult situation for some of our colleagues and our surrounding communities. This special contribution, which includes rice sacks, instant noodles and cooking oil, is our way of showing we care towards our people.

27th Anniversary Donations for the Community Nearby Distilleries in Yangon and Mandalay

To celebrate our 27th anniversary, GRGI donated the supplies that encompass basic commodities such as rice, cooking oil, and instant noodles that are worth MMK159,900 per household in April 2023. Although it was initially estimated to donate 1,000 households only, the hampers were eventually delivered to over 1,500 households. Since the anniversary donation is the largest one that GRGI is to hold annually, the CEO, C-level executives, and employees from different departments gather together to personally present supplies to the communities in Hmawbi Township and Mandalay.

Donations of Yangon & Mandalay Distilleries on Quarterly Basis

The GRGI offices in Yangon and Mandalay regularly help the surrounding communities, where our distilleries are located, on a quarterly basis as a regular CSR activity. These communities primarily belong to the religious, educational, healthcare, and other social sectors such as community development as needed.

About this Report

This report highlights the key initiatives of GRGI’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities in 2023. It is intended to provide an overview of our commitment to our CSR programs for our investors, customers, employees, and other stakeholders.

More information of CSR initiatives and about the Grand Royal Group International can be found at